Kayadeross Creek is a small trout stream located in Saratoga County. In 2020, a group of Clearwater TU volunteers began conducting surveys on Kayadeross Creek to better understand the stream's potential and start identifying areas for improvement.
Project Updates
Completed in 2021 Chris Powers, Aquatic Biologist for New York DEC, shared some of the results of 2021 stream samplings and their plans for the coming year.
Chris and his crew sampled 4 tributaries of the upper Kayadeross and found wild trout in all of them. Gasher Brook was the best of the group with cold water, good flows, clean gravel, lots of large wood and abundant wild trout. Peacock and Blue Brooks offer similar features, but are mostly on private property. Frink Brook had a few wild trout, but water temperatures seem to be affected by the ponds in the summer camp upstream.
Projects to enhance and protect these small streams will be evaluated by TU during the summer of 2022. The photos below show sampling on Frink Brook.